Why She Buys

While it’s not news to anyone that – overwhelmingly, if not consistently – men and women think differently, the broad economic impact of considering women’s decision-making choices and shopping habits should be more seriously considered by those of us doing the sales.

The Facts 

So in honor of International Women’s Day, let’s get the facts straight about the women we’re targeting as consumers.

  • Consumer spending is 70-80% driven by women. Women are the primary caregivers in most families and make the vast majority of shopping purchases—not just for themselves, but for everyone under their care: spouses, children, parents, colleagues and friends.
  • This traditional division of labor is underestimated by marketers. According to a recent study, nearly half of the women surveyed said that marketers don’t understand them. And really, it’s not surprising: Over 90% of senior positions at top advertising agencies are occupied by men.

Recent studies give some consistent guidelines as to what differentiates male and female shopping practices:

  • On Sale: Women are more likely to buy something just because it’s on sale.
  • Impulse: Women are more likely to buy something on an impulse.
  • Perfection: Women are more likely to keep on looking until finding the perfect item.
  • Gifts: Women are more likely to buy gifts for others.
  • Advice: Women are more receptive to other people’s opinions.
  • Coupons: Women are more responsive to marketing emails and coupons.
  • Planning Ahead: Women are more likely to make purchases based on future needs.

Boost Your Bottom Line

Women make shopping choices differently than men. By aligning marketing messages, advertising, product features, customer service, store layouts and displays (including colors) with women’s expectations and shopping characteristics, you can have a dramatic impact on sales.

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